Branding & Website Boost Poodle Place

Mandy, the passionate owner of Poodle Place, knew her adorable toy poodles deserved a home beyond social media. While the pups garnered attention, converting that buzz into enquiries and, ultimately, happy puppy parents, was a challenge.

That’s where the team at M R K stepped in. Poodle Place needed a professional online presence. Their goals were clear:

  • Move beyond social media: They wanted a website that established them as a credible breeder, showcasing their puppies and expertise.
  • Boost local and wider traffic: They needed a website that attracted potential puppy parents, both locally and beyond their social media reach.
  • Professional branding: A strong brand identity and logo were crucial to create trust and stand out from the competition.

The Solution

We saw Mandy’s passion and the potential of Poodle Place, and we were thrilled to help them achieve their goals. We developed a comprehensive strategy to elevate Poodle Place’s online presence. Here’s how we did it:

1. Building an Engaging Online Presence

Creating a Visually Appealing and User-Friendly Website Design

For Poodle Place, we prioritized crafting a modern and user-friendly website built on the WordPress platform. This platform offers a user-friendly interface for managing content. Making it easy for Poodle Place to keep their website updated. To achieve this, our team built with the Blocksy theme for WordPress, known for its speed and ease of use.

The website’s design prioritises visual appeal while ensuring easy navigation. Clean layouts, intuitive menus, and clear calls to action make it easy for visitors to find information. This includes features like:

  • Simple and uncluttered design: A focus on clear hierarchy and ample white space makes the website easy on the eyes. It also avoids overwhelming users with excessive information.
  • Intuitive navigation: A well-organised menu with clear labelling allows visitors to find the desired information quickly.
  • Strategic use of visuals: High-quality images and galleries showcase the poodles and their environment. This creates an engaging experience for potential puppy parents.
  • Clear calls to action: Whether it’s contacting Poodle Place, or learning more about their breeding process, clear buttons guide visitors towards the desired next step.

Engaging Website Copy

Compelling website copy is crucial for effectively communicating Poodle Place’s brand message and value proposition. We crafted engaging website content that covers various aspects, including:

  • Detailed information about Poodle Place’s breeding process: This section highlights their commitment to ethical breeding practices, health checks, and the overall well-being of their poodles.
  • Informative puppy care tips: Providing valuable information on topics like puppy training, nutrition, and grooming demonstrates Poodle Place’s expertise. Establishing them as a trusted breeder for potential owners.
  • Testimonials: Sharing stories from happy puppy owners showcases the joy that Poodle Place’s dogs bring to families.

High-Quality Visuals & Photos Galleries

To win over potential puppy parents, we captured the essence of the poodles with high-quality photographs. These professional photos bring the poodles’ playful personalities and adorable features to life. showcasing the loving environment where they are raised.

Simple Website Forms

The website utilizes Gravity Forms to create user-friendly forms. A simple Contact Form facilitates easy communication for inquiries and general messages. To ensure a spam-free experience, the form incorporates Google reCAPTCHA and encrypts sensitive data to keep client submitted data secure.

Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness

In today’s mobile-driven world, it’s crucial for a website to be accessible and functional across all devices. We ensured that Poodle Place’s website is responsive, meaning it automatically adjusts its layout and design to fit the screen size of any device. Be it a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. This allows potential puppy parents to easily browse the website regardless of the device they are using.


Result: By implementing these elements, Poodle Place’s website has become a powerful tool for attracting potential customers. Showcasing their expertise, and fostering a connection with their target audience. The website attracts traffic from both local searches and broader audiences interested in toy poodles.

2. Building a Strong Brand Identity

Logo Design 

The cornerstone of building a brand is a unique and memorable logo. For Poodle Place, we designed a logo that embodied their brand essence: playful and loving. This involved understanding the target audience and the overall feel Mandy wanted to convey.

We presented a variety of logo design options. Allowing Mandy to select and choose the one that resonated most with her vision.

A Comprehensive Brand Kit

Beyond the logo, a cohesive brand identity is essential for professional recognition. To achieve this, we provided Poodle Place with a comprehensive brand kit. This kit acts as a brand bible. Ensuring consistent application of the brand’s visual elements across all platforms.

The brand kit included:

  • Logo variations: We provided the logo in multiple file formats to ensure flexibility across various uses. From website banners to printed brochures.
  • Black and white versions: Having access to black and white logo variations ensures consistent branding even in situations where colour printing might not be feasible.
  • Colour palette: A defined colour palette establishes a recognisable colour scheme. This palette becomes a guide for all design elements. Including website design, social media graphics, and marketing materials.
  • Font styles: Specific font styles were designated as part of the brand identity. Using these fonts consistently across all materials reinforces brand recognition and creates a sense of professionalism.
  • Image guidelines: Recommendations were provided regarding the types of images that best represent the brand and how they should be used. This ensures visual harmony and maintains the brand’s desired aesthetic.

Result: By providing a well-defined brand kit, Poodle Place can maintain a strong and consistent brand. Fostering trust and recognition among their target audience. This approach not only strengthens their professional presence but also helps them stand out in a competitive market.

3. Ensuring a Secure and Up-to-Date Website

Prioritising Website Security

In today’s digital world, protecting websites and customer information is crucial. To address this, Poodle Place’s website incorporates robust security measures. This includes premium login protection to fight unauthorized access.

Additionally, any sensitive information like contact details is encrypted, making it unreadable if a security breach occurs. These measures ensure Poodle Place fosters trust with their customers by keeping their information safe.

Ongoing Website Maintenance and Updates

Websites require consistent care and attention to function optimally. We provide Poodle Place with a WordPress Care Plan, ensuring their website receives the following:

  • Regular maintenance: This includes technical tasks like addressing any broken links, fixing minor bugs, and optimising website speed performance.
  • Software updates: Regular updates to the website’s core software, plugins, and themes are crucial for maintaining security and functionality. Our team stays updated on the latest releases and ensures timely implementation of these updates.
  • Regular backups: Maintaining regular backups of the website’s data allows for swift restoration in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO): Ongoing efforts are made to optimize the website’s content and technical aspects. Improving its ranking in search engine results pages. This increases the website’s visibility. And helps attract potential customers searching for reputable poodle breeders.

By providing regular website maintenance, Mandy can relax knowing several things: her website is shielded from security threats; it remains operational and delivers a smooth browsing experience for visitors; and it’s optimised for search engines. Making it easier for potential customers to find Poodle Place online.

Result: This gives Mandy peace of mind knowing her website is safe and always performing at its best. Allowing her to focus on what she does best. Raising happy and healthy puppies and providing exceptional service to her customers.

The Impact

Crafting a modern, user-friendly website and building a strong brand has paid off for Poodle Place. They’ve seen a significant surge in website traffic. Indicating a wider audience is discovering their business online.

Furthermore, the website’s design and engaging content have converted visitors into potential customers. Resulting in a notable increase in leads.

Mandy’s vision of establishing a professional online presence has become a reality. The website serves as a valuable tool for attracting new customers. It provides informative content, and fostering trust with potential puppy parents.

This case study shows how a well-crafted website with a strong brand identity can be a winning team. By focusing on these two things, Poodle Place has become a big hit online. This sets them up for even more success in the future!

Ready to start a conversation? Don’t settle for social media alone. Schedule a FREE consultation with Matt and see how we can help your business grow like Poodle Place!