Do You Have a Mobile Friendly Website?

If you haven’t heard about the Google Mobile Update – you may have been hiding under a rock.

Recently they have emailed website owners and made plenty of noise about the changes to search.

If you haven’t heard about this change, it basically means you MUST have a mobile-friendly website moving forward to rank in the monster search engine – Google.

This is great news for mobile phone users (isn’t that everyone?) and it means you either need a responsive website or a mobile alternative to your website.

If you want to read the release from Google you can read it here:

How do you check if your site is mobile friendly?

You go to this page, enter your website URL and it will tell you if you have a mobile-friendly website.

If it comes up failing what do you do then?

Well – I would suggest you contact us and we can do a free assessment for you over the phone to see what it would take to make your site mobile friendly.

Remember this kicks in soon – April 21st according to the Google blog, and that means you need to act fast and make sure you don’t get penalised for having an unfriendly mobile site.

Is it really that much of a big deal?

Yes – Take a look at our responsive website design page where we highlight the reasons why it is so important to make sure you deliver a mobile-friendly website to your customers.

I can wrap that up by basically saying – if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website and you are email marketing or doing any form of marketing you are likely losing leads and causing damage to your brand every time you do one of these exercises. You are actually doing the opposite of what you want just because you don’t have a mobile-friendly website.

Do continue to make that mistake, decide to take action and make your website a mobile-friendly website.