Care Plan Feature - Spam Protection

Spam Protection Support

Protecting forms and comments from spam is an ongoing battle. At MRK WP, we offer spam protection support. This service includes a range of tools and maintenance on your WordPress site to reduce spam.

If you find you are getting spam, our team will support you to reduce that spam on your site and implement additional techniques.

Why do you get Spam on a WordPress website?

With poor spam protection, you might get spam on your WordPress forms for a few reasons.

  • Bots: Spambots are automated programs that crawl the internet looking for forms of spam. They can quickly fill out forms with fake information, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Human spammers: Some human spammers use WordPress forms to send spam. They may do this to promote their products or services or spread malware or phishing links.
  • Insecure forms: Forms can be easily spammed if not adequately secured. This is because bots and human spammers can easily find and exploit vulnerabilities in insecure forms.

Spam protection: How can you protect your WordPress site?

Here are some things you can do to protect your WordPress forms from spam:

  • Use a WordPress form plugin with built-in spam protection: Many WordPress form plugins offer spam protection features. These plugins can help to block spambots and human spammers from filling out your forms.
  • Enable reCAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps to distinguish between humans and bots. You can add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress forms to help prevent spam.
  • Use a honeypot: A honeypot is a field in your form you can hide from human users. Bots will often try to fill out this field, which can help you to identify and block them.
  • Block certain IP addresses: If you know that spammers use a particular IP address to send spam, you can block it from accessing your forms. This can boost your form spam protection security.
  • Keep your forms updated: WordPress updates form plugins with new features and WordPress security fixes. It is essential to keep your forms up to date to help protect them from spam.
Gravity forms Spam protection features.
Gravity forms Spam protection features.


We support Gravity Forms on our Care Plans, which includes licensing and updates. Gravity forms with our MRK WP know-how; your site will utilise a mix of the following to offer spam protection.

  1. Honeypot spam tools
  2. Google Captcha
  3. Smart form design to reduce spam.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your WordPress forms from spam. Of course, if you have a care plan with MRK WP, this is all looked after for you.

We also have a great article and video for Gravity Form users on reducing spam entries.

If you want to reduce spam as part of your WordPress Care Plan, reach out to the team for spam protection support at MRK WP via our contact page.