7 Strategies to Boost Your Web Traffic

Do you need help developing innovative ways to boost your online presence? Are you looking for ways to increase your website traffic? If so, you’re in the right place.

Your website is an essential element of your business. It’s how potential customers learn about your products and services.

In this post, we’ll walk you through seven different strategies that will help you increase your website traffic.

Create quality content

Before you do anything else, you’ll want to ensure that your website has good content. So, what is good content? The answer is simple. It is readable content that delivers a good experience and is relevant to your readers.

At MRK WP, we stick to writing about content related to our niche and industry and what we have experience with. When choosing what to write about, it should be related to your field of expertise or niche.

It is especially important with the recent Google Algorithm Helpful update. The update increases the visibility of original helpful content in the search results. But it limits the results of content created solely to rank well on search engines. As such, it helps to write about the content you are familiar with.

There are a few things to consider when creating content for your website. One of our courses covers how to write content that ranks.

Pro Tip

Look for existing web pages to enhance before adding new pages. Focus on your opening paragraphs and make them more readable.

Good images and video

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. As humans, we are naturally visual beings.

A blog post without images tends to be boring. Images, on the other hand, can easily describe the contents of a paragraph. And this makes it easy for a reader to glance at and understand your content details quickly.

Videos are another often ignored media, but they easily boost traffic to your content. A video can quickly capture the entire article’s content in a few minutes of recording. It can also be shared easily on platforms like Youtube, creating more traffic opportunities for your web content.

Pro Tip

Youtube is the second-largest search engine on the planet. A video posted on your tube and linked to your site can drive untapped traffic to you.

FAQ data

FAQ Rich Result example in Google Search
FAQ Rich Result example in Google Search

Creating an FAQ for your content allows you to cover the most common questions about the topic you are writing about. Adding FAQs to our posts at MRKWP boosts their engagement all the time.

So, ensure to add FAQs to your content to answer questions related to your content and maximise the opportunity to boost your traffic.

Pro Tip

Yoast SEO plugin has a great FAQ tool that does the snippet date for you. You can also look at our FAQ plugin from MRK WP. Results with FAQ-rich snippets generally get twice the clicks of those that don’t have this data.

Update old articles

A blog post’s value lies in more than the few thousand impressions that occur immediately. It is in the tens or hundreds of thousands that occur over the next few years as a result of search results.

You should constantly revisit your old posts to update and refresh them, so they remain relevant. If the changes made are many, you may have to republish the post.

Benefits of updating old posts

More Traffic and Opportunities – Optimising your old content to the latest SEO measures and standards can create new traffic and other search engine ranking opportunities.

Freshness Score – Google’s Freshness Algorithm has a frequent updates query that scores and is designed to give you the most up-to-date results. So, updating your posts indicates you have fresh, up-to-date content.

Clean out broken links and add new links – Going over your old content allows you to remove broken links and update your articles with updated link resources.

Improve content grammar errors – Updating and reviewing your old posts enables you to correct any errors in grammar and punctuation.

Optimise for new keywords – It allows you to optimise for new keywords and update old ones.

Another trick to increase your website traffic is linking content across your site. Internal linking is when you link from one page of your website to another on your website. It is an essential part of any SEO strategy.

Internal linking guides search engines and visitors to your website’s related and important content.

  • It helps with crawling and indexing your website
  • Internal linking increases your page views
  • It builds link equity across your site
  • It enhances the user experience
  • It also improves the engagement metrics of your site.

Please check out our course that covers more on how to create links.

Pro Tip

Using the Yoast Plugin and Suggested links is a quick way to start your internal linking process.

Make your content shareable and share it on your networks.

One of the best ways to increase your website traffic is to share your content. One way is to leverage the traffic on social media platforms.

According to a 2022 report from DataReportal, 59% of the world’s population uses social media. It means that there are many people out there who you can reach with a social media marketing plan.

The engagement also links back to your website when users share your content. It will increase your website traffic and help you build your brand.

You’ll also want to use social media to engage with potential customers. You can do this by replying to comments and posts and creating posts that respond to what people are talking about. It will help you to establish a relationship with potential customers, building trust and validity in your brand.

One way to ensure you actively engage on social media is using a content planner. It will help you preplan and schedule your posts over a long period.

At MRK WP, we use Zoho social to manage our social media content. Here are other tools to use;

  • Hootsuite
  • SproutSocial
  • Hubspot
  • Social Pilot
  • Buffer,
  • Semrush

Pro Tip

Yoast and Rankmath provide tools to show you what your page will look like when shared.

Check your site’s analytics and metrics

Google Analytics platform
Google Analytics platform

Website traffic analysis is the process of analysing users that visit your website, whereas website metrics measure a website’s performance.

Analysing your website’s analytics and metrics helps you understand how well your website performs. The resulting data also gives you a deeper insight into your site visitor’s intents and interests.

Benefits of website analytics and metrics

Optimise user experience – Site traffic analysis enables you to identify the traffic demographics like age, gender, spending habits, etc. It also gives you a clearer view of your traffic sources. It helps you determine where to invest your efforts more, whether it’s social media, email marketing or events, or a particular age group, gender, etc.

Improve website performance – This data also reveals your website weaknesses from a marketing perspective.

These are issues that could impact user engagement;

  • Slow page loading speeds
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Poor quality content
  • Improper use of title tags and meta descriptions.

Target the right audience – Web analytics data provides information on how and where to find the right audience. With the right target audience, you make improved and targeted marketing campaigns. These increase and promote your brand, increase the conversion rates and improve overall site rankings.

Informed marketing strategies – With this knowledge from analysed website traffic statistics, you can strategically tailor campaigns to specific target audiences and improve the user experience accordingly.

Once the website traffic data analysis identifies these issues, you can then be able to make improvements accordingly.

Here are some website analytics tools you can use;

  • Semrush
  • Google Analytics
  • Similar Web
  • Open Web Analytics
  • Clicky

Pro Tip

Google Analytics is used for lots of other SEO tools. Capturing data and linking it to Google Search Console can provide further insights for Semrush or Ahrefs tools.


As seen in the article, there are several ways that you can implement today to improve your web presence. If you follow these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your website traffic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you boost website traffic?

The strategies listed above can give you a great start to boosting your website traffic. Other solutions include;
– Running a site audit
– Implementing SEO strategies
– Building backlinks
– Boost your local search reputation

What are the benefits of increasing website traffic?

Website traffic is essential for several reasons. The more people visit your website, the more potential customers increase. Increase in site traffic;
– Builds relationships
– Generates leads
– Increases brand awareness
– Builds site authority

Why is my website traffic not increasing?

Several reasons might be a cause of the low number of visitors to your website. However, we recommend you start by implementing the strategies mentioned above. If your site traffic is not increasing as expected, you may need to run a site audit to determine the underlying factors affecting it.

Reach out to MRKWP for professional solutions to boost your site traffic.

Does SEO increase traffic?

Over half of all website traffic is generated by clicks from organic search results. That implies that websites that implement SEO strategies get over 50% of the total traffic across the Internet. If these sites rank on the first page, they receive over 90% of that traffic.