Get 300% more traffic using FAQ Rich Data

I have been using Rich Data in my pages for a couple of years and recently I noticed something amazing, the FAQ snippet data started to cause a significant jump in click-through rates. Let me explain.

What is a rich result?

A rich result is used by Google to display the result of your pages in the organic search. It is often used to show things like product ratings or a video carousel. This is really helpful for an end-user.

Recently the FAQ rich data snippet has started to be used in search results by Google. (Note: You can see an image of this below).

On my site, I make extensive use of FAQs. We have an FAQ plugin that helps with this and have enhanced it for this very reason. FAQs help our end users and help our on-page conversions. This detail has obviously not been lost on Google.

FAQ Rich Result in Google Search
FAQ Rich Result in Google Search

How much of an increase in CTR do we get from FAQ Rich Results?

I have noticed for a while that we get a better CTR for search results with an FAQ rich result. However, I had not done any proper analysis.

In the Google Search Console, I get 2.8% across my whole site for average CTR.

When I filter out the FAQ Rich results I get a 1.9%.

If I filter and only show those with FAQ rich results I get a CTR of 4.8%.

You would think that would be a definitive enough result but I wasn’t so sure. After all what If my ranking average for pages with rich snippets was causing the higher CTR.

I decided to dig deeper to check my ranking numbers

To do this I decided I required 4 different data sets exported from the Google Search console.

  • Items without FAQ rich results that ranked in from 10.99 or less.
  • Items with FAQ rich results that are ranked from 10.99 or less
  • Items without FAQ rich results that are ranked from 3.99 or less
  • Items with FAQ rich results that are ranked from 3.99 or less

From these items, I would measure the average click-thru rate to make sure I wasn’t just seeing a ranking difference.

The result is shocking.

  • Items without FAQ rich results that ranked in from 10.99 or less – Average CTR is 3.77%
  • Items with FAQ rich results that are ranked from 10.99 or less – Average CTR is 9%
  • Items without FAQ rich results that are ranked from 3.99 or less – Average CTR is 6.56%
  • Items with FAQ rich results that are ranked from 3.99 or less – Average CTR is 31%

So in my case, a FAQ rich result gives 3 times the traffic by an increase in CTR than those without an FAQ. This also includes other rich snippets.

I collated the information into a clear info-graphic. Feel free to download or share it with others that may find it useful.

Info graphic on FAQ Rich Results
Info-graphic for FAQ Rich Results

Overall I was really excited to see that our efforts in FAQ have paid off.

It’s important to note that without the structured data you won’t see these results.

For our course, because of the topic, I have included a simple FAQ below to answer common questions around the implementation of FAQ Rich Results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check the Google search console for FAQ Rich Results?

Go to the Performance menu, then select search appearance and see if you have a FAQ Rich Result as a filter.
How to find FAQ Rich Results in Google Search Console

Does FAQ rich result impact my page ranking?

Directly we cannot say that schema data changes your page range. However, click-through rates and engagement does so having a good FAQ and these types of results should increase your page rankings.

Does other structured data impact my search ranking?

No. Google or other search engines have not indicated that this will change your search ranking. I would suggest however that over time it will impact your search rankings and how well Google can index your pages. Sooner or later I think it will cause an impact.

How can I add FAQ rich data to my site?

If you are using WordPress and Gutenberg you can use Yoast or own FAQ Plugin for WordPress and Divi Builder. If you are not using WordPress talk to your web developer. Implementation effort can change depending on your CMS or site usage.

What questions should I answer in my FAQ?

I use SEMRush to do my FAQ research. You can also use Google suggest to learn what questions are being asked. Answering the right questions can help in your SEO and in page engagement.

Do you have further questions or want to know more about the FAQ options on your site? Let me know by getting in touch.

For WordPress users don’t forget to check out our FAQ Plugin. We have a free 7-day trial that does not require a credit card and it delivers a great result for FAQ Rich Results in Google.