MCA Streamlines Website to Boost Online Visibility

MCA Engineering, a leader in Australian construction and mining, recently launched a brand new website. In order to achieve a modern and user-friendly design, MCA enlisted the services of the team at M R K.

Beyond the modern design, MCA had clear goals in mind for the website: attracting new clients, recruiting top talent, and solidifying their industry leadership through a professional online presence.

MCA prioritised several other key features for their website redesign. They needed a user-friendly platform that would allow for easy updates and ongoing maintenance. The website’s content also required a refresh. Focusing on presenting existing services in a fresh and visually appealing way. Fast loading times were another important element to keep visitors engaged.

Looking towards the future, the website needed a strong foundation to allow for ongoing development. Another key requirement was the integration of a dedicated Jobs Portal. Allowing MCA to efficiently advertise job openings and attract qualified candidates.

Finally, tidying up and streamlining content with a goal of reducing total page count.

Website Needs

Specifically, MCA required the new website to deliver in several key areas:

  1. New Website Platform: A transition to a user-friendly platform for easy ongoing management. The website platform should also provide a strong foundation for future expansion and development.
  2. Content Refresh and Optimisation: The existing website content should kept, but presented with a modern aesthetic. Text and images should be optimised for faster loading times.
  3. Content Streamlining: The migration process should include content merging and normalisation. With a goal to reduce the overall number of website pages.
  4. Jobs Portal: A dedicated jobs section to advertise openings directly and receive applications, all through the website.

The Solution

The biggest goal was to quickly move the website to a user-friendly WordPress platform. This meant MCA Engineering could easily update the website themselves – without needing help for basic changes.

M R K selected Kadence as both the theme and block builder. Its speed, feature set, and ease of use make it our go-to WordPress theme of choice for the present. Constantly updated with new features, Kadence offered everything we needed to build a successful MCA website.

Kadence theme website pricing page mockup on desktop

Their existing content was migrated, We also designed a website that perfectly reflects MCA’s brand and is visually appealing. Plus, we seamlessly transferred all their existing content, with a focus on making it look better and load faster.

During the move, we cleaned up the content by removing unnecessary duplicates and organising everything consistently. This makes the website easier to manage and helps it rank better in search engines.

Jobs Portal

An area to advertise and manage job openings was a specific requirement for the new website. The M R K team developed a custom jobs portal for MCA. The user-friendly interface now allows their team to manage the entire recruitment process all within the website. This includes:

  • Posting job openings
  • Managing applications through an online form
  • Storing applicant data securely in a content management system (CMS)

To ensure MCA stays in control, our team provided training on keeping the job section up-to-date.

Location Directory

To manage their multiple locations, M R K included a dedicated location directory, with a powerful map search tool. Each location has its own dedicated page, complete with contact details and a Google Map with directions. This user-friendly directory showcases MCA’s extensive network.

Mockup of MCA location directory on desktop computer

The new website also incorporates several other key features to enhance MCA’s company information and services. A visually appealing project section allows visitors to browse MCA’s past work, highlighting their experience and capabilities. Potential clients can also explore the equipment and products available for hire through a comprehensive equipment listing.

For easy communication and lead generation, the website features a secure contact form. Additionally, a dedicated news section keeps visitors informed about industry trends and company updates.

Beyond the Features

M R K didn’t just stop at adding features to the MCA website. We went above and beyond to ensure a seamless experience for MCA and their visitors.

Our team handled the domain switch expertly, migrating everything smoothly with zero downtime. Security is a top priority, so we set MCA up with an ongoing WordPress Care Plan to keep their website safe and user data protected.

The website is fully optimised for mobile devices and fast loading speeds, guaranteeing a fantastic experience for everyone who visits. Finally, to make sure MCA is easily found online, we implemented SEO best practices to boost their search engine ranking.

In short, MCA got more than just features from M R K. They received a fully functional website that not only works for them but also impresses Google!

The Outcome

MCA Engineering loves their new website. The modern design looks great and works perfectly on mobile devices, making it easy for anyone to find them. It’s simple to navigate and clearly explains what MCA does. Plus, they can now update the website themselves, which means it can keep growing and evolving.

The new website has already seen a rise in traffic, showing that more people are finding them online. With this foundation, MCA can continue to develop their online services and solidify their position as an industry leader in Australia.

Mockup of MCA home page on a mobile phone

Inspired by MCA Engineering’s successful website transformation?

Contact Matt at M R K WP to discuss a website redesign for your business. Our team can help you get real results and elevate your online presence. Schedule a free consultation today.