Migration steps for FAQ plugin
Migrating the FAQ plugin
Before starting a plugin upgrade, it’s recommended to make a backup of your WordPress site. Sometimes weird stuff happens. We have tested this to the best of our ability and the procedure works in all our test cases.
In July 2019 we changed our name from Divi Framework to MRK WP.
As part of the migration, we moved all our plugins to Freemius and the free items, to WordPress.org.
We now have a more optimised website. As a result, we have a better setup of plugin delivery and better support for our customers.
However, it also caused some of our plugins to need a reinstall. This was due to the plugin “slug name” having to be changed to fit the WordPress.org requirements or Freemius requirements.
The old billing system directly used PayPal and Stripe. The new website uses the Freemius Platform. All Members will have to migrate from WooCommerce to Freemius. This is a manual process.
What does this process show me?
In this “How to” document we will show you how to migrate Divi Framework’s “Divi Framework FAQ” plugin to a new License with MRK WP’s FAQ Plugin.
How to migrate
First of all, you should have a coupon code. We sent coupons to all our users to migrate their existing membership over to Freemius. Before you start make sure you have that.
In this process, we upload the new FAQ Plugin for Divi to your WordPress Dashboard.
To begin please make sure you have already migrated your membership plan.
- Download FAQ Plugin for Divi: Login to your Freemius Account.
Download the FAQ Plugin. A file “divi-framework-faq-premium-latest.zip” will be downloaded. - Install and activate the downloaded plugin: Login to your website’s WordPress Admin area. You should see Divi Framework’s FAQ plugin installed.
Install and activate the divi-framework-faq-premium-latest.zip plugin.
You will be redirected to the product activation screen.
Remember: The Divi Framework FAQ plugin from Divi Framework will be automatically disabled. - Enter the license key for the new plugin: Once activated, you will be redirected to MRK WP > FAQ Plugin.
Enter the license key and click “Agree & Activate License.”
The license key can be found in your Freemius account. - Delete the Divi Framework Hub: The Authentication tool you required for Divi Framework is no longer required. Please deactivate and delete this plugin.