Every Second Counts

Do you know if your website is fast enough to get great SEO Results? What about on page conversions? An interesting metric has come up that we are seeing over and over again – page speed.

With mobile networks being so variable your web designers need to make sure they get your page build right to get a fast page for every device.

When selecting a web design agency or service provider you need to make sure that the website is going to be able to run fast. This also depends a lot on your hosting as well. This is why, at MRK WP we have a Managed WordPress service that helps you get fast web pages.

Fast web pages are awesome for custom retention rates. We found a really cool informational graphic from WP Engine recently that really showed this well. You can see it below (attribution to https://wpengine.com/)

How Website Speed Impacts Conversions
How Website Speed Impacts Conversions (attribution to https://wpengine.com/)

This infographic clearly shows how important page speed is.

A fast loading website is a major asset for your business and can enhance your current website significantly. Make sure you are measuring your page speed and if you are unsure get a Website Audit from MRK WP to see what can be done to improve your page speed. Contact our team today to learn more.

A full-service agency will also be able to help you with this so make sure you ask your website developer or hosting company what they are doing to get your page speed working well.