Simplifying the Art of Project Management

Time goes by so quickly. And everything is happening all the time. So many of us are juggling several balls in the air at any one time. For those of us who have been around for a while, we know that time is more than money. It’s something we never get back. It’s something we all want more off. Therefore, it is so important the we have the right tools to help us manage our time.

As your business, teams and projects grow it is important you review your current project management needs and requirements. You want to the right tools to foster and encourage team environments. Tools that bring fluency and creativity. After considerable research and discovery MRK Development made the change to Active Collab.

What is Active Collab?

Active Collab is a web-based project management tool which offers features such as task management, collaboration, time tracking, and invoicing all in one system. So what are some key points?

Team Collaboration

With so many different projects, tasks and key people involved, the team will know what they have to do, when it must be done and who needs to do it. Users get their own Dashboard listing what needs to be done and is broken down into list and tasks that can have its own files, discussions and content.  One of the best features is the ability to allow restricted access to clients. Clients can see what you want them to see, while your team can see everything.

Self Hosting

While Active Collab runs in the cloud like most browser apps today, you can also install it on your own server. If you want absolute control over your own data, or simply do not want to pay a monthly fee for storage and users, Active Collab’s self-hosted model maybe the perfect solution.


SlackXeroStripe and PayPal are just a few of the extra features and addon’s available. Active Collab lets you track time for each task and define the hourly rates for each client. This provides you with the ability to create and issue the invoice from the billable time in Active Collab. Because they are always in sync paid invoices are reflected in both systems allowing you to work on the project and the accounts people to work on their accounts.

The Verdict

There are many more features and attributes that you should check out and see if this maybe the right solution for you. For us, it has brought together many tools that we have in the past used several tools for. Is it 100% perfect? No, but it doesn’t have to be. What it does need to do is provide for is a solution that connects the majority of our needs and brings transparency to our day to day business and clients. Moving forward out clients and partners will have access to input data inside Active Collab to better work with our users.

What do you think? Have you used or been using Active Collab? How have you managed to bring solutions your business project needs?