
How to Write Blog Posts that Rank

13 Lessons
55m read.

Blogging is a great way to start building traffic, acquiring new customers, and developing brand awareness.

In this course, you will learn the steps we use at MRK WP to create and write blog posts that rank in search engines.

Who is this course for?

  • Bloggers seeking to learn how to publish great articles that generate traffic.
  • Content writers that wish to improve their writing and content marketing skills.
  • Freelance writers seeking to leverage their writing abilities and earn a side income.
  • Content marketers, digital marketers, and website owners.
  • Anyone who wishes to pursue blogging as a career.
  • Anyone seeking to learn about content marketing, internet writing, and copywriting.
  • Anyone who wants to increase their SEO writing abilities.

What will you learn?

The writing blog posts that rank course is broken down into 4 phases:

  • Research Phase: In this phase, you will learn how to conduct research about an idea or topic that you may want to write about, and the process and tools to use when conducting this research.
  • Writing Phase: This is where your draft article comes to life by bringing your ideas and research together through sentences and paragraphs. You will learn how to create the article outline and expand your outline topics, from the introduction paragraph, through the body of the article, to the ending paragraph.
  • Editing Phase: Editing is going through your writing to ensure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors or unusual phrasing. In this phase, you will learn how to check for these errors and correct them. You will also learn how to create feature and inline images for your article, as well as other checks and measures that ensure your article is polished and ready for publishing.
  • Publishing Phase: Your article is ready to be published at this point. Besides accomplishing this milestone, you will learn how to set a date for publishing as well as ensure that your completed article is shareable on social media.

What products or software do you require for this course?

You can create content without the need for any software. However, some of the recommended products in this course will improve the quality and speed of your content creation.

SEMRush logo


This is a comprehensive all-in-one SEO analysis tool that helps companies run digital marketing strategies. It does SEO campaigns, keyword research, strategy and analysis, SEO data analysis, and so much more.

Yoast logo


This is a WordPress plugin that helps your site perform better in search engines. It also gives you the tools to bring your content up to the highest standards of SEO and overall readability.

Jasper AI logo

Jasper Ai

copywriting tool that employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to create convincing, appealing text for blog articles, landing pages, social media posts, marketing emails, and more. Jasper AI enables one to create five times the amount of content in a minimal amount of time.

Hemmingway logo


The Hemingway Editor is a self-editing tool that highlights and suggests corrections to grammar, fluency, and sentence structure. This enables you to have clearly written content by improving the readability and appearance of your writing.

Grammarly logo


This is an advanced writing assistant and proofreading tool that checks grammar, spelling punctuation, and sentence structure, among other things.

We believe that once you complete this course, you will be able to write quality content that is well-optimized for search engines. You will also be able to complete a full-length article within a few days, rather than weeks.

In this guide, we cover the following:


Initial setup

Setting up your Blog Checklist and Google Drive Folders When creating content at MRK WP, we follow a standard process. W

3m read.

Topic Research

What is Topic Research? Topic research is when we research a particular topic that we think we might write about. It is

5m read.

Semrush Keyword Research

What is Keyword Research? Keywords are words and phrases typed into search engines to find what one is looking for.

3m read.

FAQ Research

Doing an FAQ Research This lesson illustrates the FAQ research, what it is, and why you need to do one. FAQs are frequen

4m read.

Competitor Research

Understanding your Competition In this lesson, we’ll be looking at our competition, and what we can learn from the

4m read.

Create Blog Content with Jasper AI

How to write blog content with Jasper AI A content outline provides a summary and shows the logical flow and overall str

5m read.

Refining Jasper Ai Output

In this lesson, we shall concentrate on improving the content provided by the Jasper Ai tools. This includes using tools

4m read.

Add Article to WordPress

Uploading Article to WordPress At this point in the writing process, your article is ready to be uploaded to your WordPr

9m read.

Conclude Writing

As we come to the conclusion of the writing phase, we shall cover two more topics before we wrap it up. We shall also an

3m read.

Editing Phase

In this guide, we shall look at; How to check and edit image file names and Alt Text Adding Images to Article To make yo

8m read.

Post Editing

In this lesson, we’ll be looking at some important measures to implement, as we conclude our editing phase. Here a

3m read.

Publishing Phase

Pre-Publishing Checks This is the last lesson in the course. We shall be going over the different sections of a blog pos

4m read.