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The Reason for SEO

Lesson 2 of 12
6m read.

The real reason why we have SEO in the first place is that search engines simply want to deliver a great experience. That’s it!

Why do we have SEO?
Why do we have SEO?

We have all come to trust Google with search queries about pretty much anything. We use the search engine because we assume it is always right and will give us good search results.

So when Google refers a query to our site, it is because they trust our website. In other words, we have earned Google’s trust to refer traffic to us for the relevant queries.

So this then means that Google sends us their traffic for free when we do SEO correctly. It is basically a business relationship of referrals for good SEO.

Search Engine Algorithms

In the last topic, we understood that Google refers to us their traffic for free once they trust us.

Google sends Free Traffic to Trusted Sites
Google sends Free Traffic to Trusted Sites

But how does Google or search engines for that matter, know they can trust a website?

Understanding Search engine algorithms

Search engine algorithms are rules that determine how search engines rank websites on search engine results pages. (SERPS)

Basically, search engines use what is known as bots and crawlers to collect huge amounts of data. This data is then indexed using algorithms to understand it. From these algorithms, Google is able to ascertain whether to trust a web page or not.

Google designed these rules to improve the quality of search results by delivering more relevant results. 

Here are some of the most notable algorithms Google uses to determine rankings: 

Types of Google Algorithms
Types of Google Algorithms

1. Panda

The Google Panda algorithm is a filter that downranks sites with duplicate content, low-quality content, and keyword stuffing among other factors. Hence, improving the quality of search results for users.

2. Penguin

Google Penguin algorithm targets websites that violate Google’s webmaster guidelines by using black-hat SEO techniques. These include keyword stuffing, cloaking, participating in link farms, and low-quality content.

3. Hummingbird

Hummingbird is a significant change to the way Google interprets search queries.

Google designed this algorithm to understand the user’s intent better when searching. And to return results that are more relevant to what the user is looking for. Hence, delivering results that better match the user’s intent. 

4. Pigeon

The Google Pigeon algorithm provides more accurate and relevant results to users searching for local businesses and services. It is an essential algorithm for any business that relies on local search traffic. It can significantly impact their visibility and ranking in search results. 

5. Mobilegeddon

Google’s Mobilegeddon algorithm changed the way the search engine ranks mobile-friendly websites.

6. Fred

Google’s Fred is another search algorithm that determines how websites rank. The algorithm is a part of Google’s core ranking system and can affect organic and paid search results. If the Fred algorithm affects your site, your traffic will significantly drop. 

These are just some of the major algorithm updates that Google has made. Search engines can use algorithms to find the best web pages to link to for a given search query. This results in a great user experience.

It is, therefore, a good idea to work with search engines and understand these algorithms. This will enable you to create great web pages, hence a better chance of receiving referral traffic from search engines.

Google Ranking Factors

The algorithms themselves are only part of the equation. You also have to look at the factors Google uses to determine which pages are most relevant for a given search. These factors determine how your page will rank in search results, so they’re just as important as the algorithm itself.
Here are the most important factors to consider:


The correct keywords on your page are critical to your SEO strategy. It’s what Google uses to determine what your page is about. Therefore, your content needs to be optimised with the right keywords.


Link building is an essential factor that Google uses to trust and rank your website. The more links on your site, the more authority you have, which helps you rank higher in search. Quality links are weighted according to various factors, including the authority of the linking page.


Authority is Google’s way of evaluating your site’s trustworthiness. Google wants to display results for sites that users value for similar queries. Therefore, the higher your authority, the better your page will rank.


This depends on the type of query a search is about. It is powerful for queries related to the most recent results. For example, top results for queries on “the most recent Hollywood movies” will be new, whereas results on “how to learn Chinese” will most probably be old.

User Experience

Google cares about users having a good experience when they visit your web page. Including page speed, internal linking, good web design, and mobile friendliness.

How to Find Out Which Google Algorithms Matter to You

You’ll need to do some research to know exactly how Google algorithms affect your site or business. Fortunately, several tools and resources are available to help you learn more about Google algorithms and their role in your rankings.

Here are some tools and resources you can use to learn more about Google algorithms:

  • Google Search Console – This is a free resource that allows you to see the current state of your site and how it’s being ranked in the SERPs.
  • Google Trends – This helpful analytics tool shows you the overall popularity of specific keywords and phrases.
  • Google Autocomplete – This feature shows you the most popular searches in your area and suggestions based on your previous searches.
  • Google Algorithm Change Log – This is a list of every algorithm change Google has ever made. You can use it to see if there is any connection between changes in your SERPs and a particular algorithm change.

Take a look at these other links for more information.