Care Plan Plugin - Wp Rocket

WP Rocket

WP Rocket icon
WP Rocket will boost your loading time, improve your PageSpeed performance, and optimize Core Web Vitals.
Pricing Model: $59 per year
The cost of this license is included in our care plans.
We are an affiliate partner for this product.

Having a site that loads fast is important to keep visitors engaged and prevent them from leaving your site because your page takes too long to load. WP Rocket plugin improves your website loading speed and SEO ranking by caching your content. It is easy to set up and use.

WP Rocket homepage on tablet
WP Rocket homepage

However, it is important to note that WP Rocket is a premium plugin and requires a paid subscription.

WP Rocket Set up

Check out our article on How to Configure WP Rocket for Divi and Gravity Forms.

WP Rocket provides a multitude of automated features. These include;

  • Gzip compression: The WordPress caching plugin compresses your website’s files, making them smaller and faster to load.
  • Lazy loading: This functionality delays the loading of images until they are visible on the page, improving performance on mobile devices.
  • Browser caching: WP Rocket stores copies of your website’s files on visitors’ browsers. This implies they don’t have to be loaded from the server every time they visit.
  • CDN integration: Allows you to serve your website’s files from a Content Delivery Network (CDN), improving visitors’ performance worldwide.
  • Minification: The caching plugin minifies your website’s CSS and JavaScript files, making them smaller and faster to load.
  • Heartbeat API control: Controlling the heartbeat API allows you to reduce the number of requests made to the server. This can improve your site’s performance.
  • Image optimization: This can help improve your images’ loading time by optimizing them for the web.
  • Critical CSS optimization: This allows you to cache the CSS that is essential for the initial render of your website, which can improve performance.
  • Database optimization: This can help improve your database’s performance by cleaning up old and unused data.

If you are looking for a way to improve the performance of your WordPress site, then WP Rocket is a great option. It is a powerful plugin that can help speed up your website, reduce server load, improve security, and be easy to use.

Our Care Plan packages at MRK WP come with WP Rocket support for your site. You do not have to worry about the plugin’s annual subscription; we have that covered. Reach out to us today to optimise and speed up your site today.