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Footer Plugin – Change Log

Lesson 6 of 6
1m read.
  • 3.3.4 – July 3, 2019
    • Changed namespace and plugin constants to avoid conflict with diviframework plugin
  • 3.3.2 – June 27, 2019
    • Updated branding
    • Plugin name change
  • 3.3.1 – June 12, 2019
    • Updated readme.txt to be valid.
    • Upgraded freemius to version 2.3.0
    • Sanitized inputs from footer settings form and single post type’s `hide footer` post meta.
  • 3.3.0 – June 10, 2019
    • Change for WordPress.org and Premium upgrade features.
  • 3.2.3 – March 18, 2019
    • Fix for licensing code check bug
  • 3.2.2 – January 16, 2019
    • Fix for meta box name which was clashing with Custom Post Builder’s meta box and hence making it to disappear
  • 3.2.1 – January 8, 2019
    • Global footer disabled when frontend builder is active.
  • 3.2.0 – December 27, 2018
    • Added ability to hide footer on “per page” basis
  • 3.1.3 – August 16, 2018
    • Global footer was ignoring line breaks in the footer text. Fixed it
  • 2.0.3 – January 17, 2017
    • Added licensing code.
  • 2.0.1 – January 17, 2017
    • Initial Release