Care Plan Plugin - wpfusion

WP Fusion

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The no-code solution to easily integrate your WordPress website with the services you use every day.
Pricing Model: $347 per year.

WP Fusion plugin connects your WordPress site to your CRM or marketing automation platform. Using automation in your connected CRM, you can create highly targeted engagement campaigns via email, SMS, and other marketing channels.

A person checkout out WP Fusion homepage
WP Fusion homepage

The WP Fusion plugin lets you:

  • Automatically create new contacts in your CRM when users register in WordPress
  • Restrict access to site content using tags or lists in your CRM
  • Synchronize any WordPress user data with custom fields in your CRM
  • Apply tags when users register
  • Import contacts from your CRM as new WordPress users and generate passwords for them
  • Export site users to your CRM as contact records.

WP Fusion Features

  1. Advanced User Tagging: The plugin enables you to assign tags to users based on their interactions with your website. This allows you to segment your audience for more personalized marketing campaigns.
  2. Content Restriction: You can restrict access to specific content based on user tags, ensuring that only authorized users can view premium content or receive targeted messaging.
  3. E-commerce Integration: WP Fusion seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, allowing you to track customer behaviour, send abandoned cart emails, and personalize product recommendations.
  4. User Engagement Automation: Automate user engagement processes by triggering actions and notifications based on user behaviour. For example, you can automatically send a welcome email series to new subscribers.
  5. Membership Site Integration: The tool makes managing membership sites a breeze. You can grant or revoke access to specific content based on membership levels or user interactions.
  6. Seamless CRM Integration: It ensures that your CRM and WordPress remain in sync. This means that user data, lead information, and customer interactions are automatically updated in your CRM.

Why Should a Site Have WP Fusion?

  • Efficient Data Management: WP Fusion streamlines data management, ensuring that your CRM and website are always in sync. This results in accurate and up-to-date customer profiles, which are essential for personalized marketing.
  • Personalized User Experiences: With advanced user tagging and content restriction, you can create highly personalized user experiences. Tailor your messaging, offers, and content to specific user segments for better engagement.
  • Automation and Workflow Simplification: The plugin automates various tasks, such as lead scoring, email sequences, and membership access management. This saves time and reduces the potential for human error.

WP Fusion is a versatile WordPress plugin that empowers you to streamline data management, automate marketing tasks, and personalize user experiences.

As MRK WP, we offer support for the WP Fusion through our WordPress Care Plan service. We can help you with everything from setting up the plugin to creating custom integrations with our CRM. Reach out to us today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does WP Fusion do?

WP Fusion is a WordPress plugin that bridges your WordPress website and your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or marketing automation system. It facilitates data synchronization, automation, and personalization of user experiences on your website.

Is WP Fusion free?

No, WP Fusion is not a free plugin. While it offers a limited free version with basic features, it also provides premium versions with more advanced functionalities and integration options.

What is the difference between WP Fusion and Zapier?

WP Fusion is primarily designed for integrating and synchronizing data between your WordPress website and your CRM or marketing automation system.

On the other hand, Zapier is a workflow automation tool that connects various web applications and automates tasks and data transfers between them.