
Changing Your Hamburger Menu Colour in Divi WordPress

I often came across this little problem – I want my menu bar to be the same colour as my high light colour in Divi.

This problem will arise when you set your Menu Bar to be the same colour as the Highlight for links and buttons in Divi. If you want a dark navigation header and a dark link colour you will find this visual bug occurs.

Simple way to adjust the Divi Theme Hamburger Menu Color

Using a CSS Snippet is the easiest way to adjust the colour and get your desired result.

You can add this snippet to your Divi Theme.

In the WordPress, Dashboard goes to your Divi -> Theme Options Menu Item.

Divi Theme Options Menu
Go to the Divi Theme Options Menu

You can add global custom CSS to your Divi Theme in the “Custom CSS” text area.

Copy the Below snippet or get it directly from GIST.

Use this gist and set the color before pasting.

After selecting the menu you are on the options page for Divi Theme so scroll down to the “Custom CSS” area. It’s the last box on the page.

Paste this snippet into your Custom CSS area. Make sure to change the colour to the colour you want.

This will need to be a HEX value or an RGB code.

Paste this snippet into your Custom CSS area
Paste the Snippet inside your Divi Theme

If you need a more in-depth review – please watch the screencast video.

Do you need more simple tips and helpful tools for your Divi Theme website?

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If you want to get even more great tools for your Divi Menu I recommend taking a look at this list of snippets from creative child themes.