WP List Categories Block

Do you want a category list block with counters that also works with custom taxonomies for WordPress? We did too, so we made it.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to make a list of custom category items for a menu in WordPress? When you do you will find that it is very difficult to do this without custom code. All the core blocks with with categories only and you cannot use nesting or counters on the solutions we found.

Enter the WP List Category block. This block is a direct drop in for the PHP function WP List Category found in the WordPress core library.

Its free and open source so browse the code or watch the video to learn more.

WP List category Block Icon
WP List category Block Icon

WP List Category Block for WordPress

Use this plugin to enable our block for custom listing of categories and custom taxonomies in WordPress.

Minimal Settings
Minimal Settings.
Very easy to use.
Default WordPress Search
Works with most
block themes and FSE.

How the block works

Learn how this block works and why we created it?

Please note: This is a developer starter plugin. You can use it as is, and the first part of the video covers how it works. This video was created for people wanting to know more about Dynamic Blocks in WordPress.

How does it work?

The WP List Categories Block is a direct extraction of the wp_list_categories function inside WordPress. Is is a documented PHP function that was used in classic themes for more complex website designs.

The wp_list_categories function has great documentation on the WordPress Development website.

The function is used as an extensive tool for listing categories. This include custom taxonomies.

If you want this functionality in a block, you are however out of luck inside core WordPress and its block builder. I also found most other libraries did not represent the function.

I created a block for usage on websites I am building and decided to make it available for other users.

The block allows for a custom taxonomy to be selected as well as some of the basic functions that wp_list_categories allows.

Not every parameter is supported however you wont need all of them in a block.

You can reference the WordPress documentation for these specific attributes inside the block as I kept the names the same for parity of function.

You can download the code and get started with your creations from this Dynamic Block. View the source code via github.

WP List categories Block Panel
WP List categories Block Panel

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the WP List Categories block free to use?

Yes, the WP List Categories block is entirely free to use. We believe in providing a straightforward solution without any hidden costs.

Simply download the WP List Categories block plugin from our GitHub repository, follow the installation steps, and start managing your content visibility in search results. It’s also got the open source license in the code. We use an MIT license on this one meaning you can use it however you want.

What themes work with this block?

So far we have tested Kadence, spectra and the default wordpress themes. It works well with these. You will get the most power out of this tool by using it as a starting point for your own complex designs which have custom post types and taxonomies.